Friday, June 26, 2009

a week in review!

Wow... this week blew by so quickly! I was so busy with rehearsals and work, I forgot to post for the last couple of rehearsals. Here is a smorgasbord of pics to keep you in the know of what we have been doing this week. Scene work, music rehearsals, dance rehearsals; you name it, we have been all over it! GO TEAM WILDCATS!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Flick It! Flick it Good!

All righty... well we were in the Flickinger this Saturday, mostly to make sure that the dances conceived for the show were gonna fit the stage. In addition to that we worked "Status Quo" again and this time we got thru the whole thing. Its a pretty technical number, but as always the cast came thru it with flying colors. At one point, the ensemble breaks into cliques and rebels and a dance off ensues. The cast seems to be having quite a bit of fun with it. In addition, there is gonna be some good old fashioned slapstick when it comes to Sharpay's final moments of Act I, you'll have to come see it for yourself. : )

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Candidly Speaking...

Alright... we had a dance rehearsal for "Stick to the Status Quo" last night and thats when I get to sit back and enjoy the choreography. I took the opportunity to talk with the cast between dance spots and I took a plethora of pictures. Check these hams out...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sign Painting!

I have a quick post about sign painting! Yeah... its not the most glamorous of jobs, but we have had several people dedicate a lot of time to the signs. When the rest of us are working on sets and stuff, Joni (Ms. Darbus) usually has a crew working over at my apartment working on the billboards that we post around town. Its something we like to take alot time and care into since they are seen by so many people... check it out! Paul and Joni came over on Sunday and did some extra work...

Bop, Bop, Bop...

The hills were alive with the sounds of, er uh... HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL! Okay... its a cheesy reference, but last night we had a great music rehearsal. We went thru the pieces that we had already learned and we worked on the rough spots. When all was said and done, we discovered the sound that we were looking for! In addition to old numbers, we broke out "Stick to the Status Quo"... one of the more challenging numbers in the piece. We got a good start on it, however we haven't gotten to the nuts and bolts yet. Cami and I have looked at the number and have decided to dedicate several rehearsals to it (both musically and with dance). Just like "We're all in this Together" its a finale piece and its gotta rock the house! After music reherasals were over, we reviewed a couple of the ensemble scenes to brush up lines and acting. Its funny to see all the people who ham it up and make the scene light up. We've got alot of dancers in this cast and they play to their strengths which makes for some really funny characterizations! (You'll have to come to the show to see...) At the end of rehearsal... Cami tasked several of the cast to try lifts for the "Status Quo" number... check out the pics (thanks Naomi for snapping them!) and see the casts mad skills! ; )

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Saturday... A Continuation!

Make sure to check the entry below, this is the second from a two part workday! After set building, the cast made their way over to the mall for their dance rehearsal with Cami and Abby. Cami proved to be the task master today making sure that dance moves were down and that people understood that familiarity could breed contempt. The cast loves the dance... but moves needed to be refined. By the end... the dances were sharper and the group moved as one! Check out the pics below more groovin' to the tunes! Rehearsals always put me in a good mood... the cast always makes me laugh. GO WILDCATS!

I love it when a plan comes together...

I had to post twice today because we had two equally important things to do, set building and dance rehearsal! This post is dedicated to the first, we had a tremendous work day... we had painters and builders and we got quite a lot achieved! Platforms were erected, flats were torn apart and benches were painted. It was nice to see so many new faces working today... not only were they useful, i think they learned a new skill or two. Enjoy the plethora of pics (Diego got a hold of the camera and captured some great moments.)

Friday, June 12, 2009

Putting the music in High School MUSICAL!!

Tonight was one of those nights that allows me to work on music! We alternate nights, first dance then music and blocking and back again... well tonight I worked the heck out of my performers. For two hours we did the choral music in this production and the cast took it in stride. Before the end of the evening we had them singing like champs. Now... perfection is a ways, but i have tremendous faith in this cast. They have yet to disappoint and they have boundless energy. In the last hour, we worked the soloists and the people who have duets. Thanks to the talents of our rehearsal accompanist, Susan White, our singers have a leg up on otherwise challenging material! Keep up the good work...GO WILDCATS!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

More fun than a barrel of Monkeys!

Ok... so I am a bad person, i didn't post last night. I had very few pics that came out well and on top of it I was exhausted. However... I am back with some great pics from tonight's rehearsal! Cami was all over the dance once more and I worked music in one of the rooms in the back! Mostly I practiced with some of the soloists in the show (Natalie, Carol Ann, Brandon Justin and Corey to be exact) and we got some ground covered. A kind of tradition that we have instated is performing "We're All In This Together" at least sometime during a rehearsal... I like the message the song conveys and it allows every person in the show to perform. On top of that, we had some daring acts of do and we had to do some humpty dumpty action with Diego (he is all right... I SWEAR!)